Karoliina Roos-Santos
weaver & designer of handwoven textiles
It`s the materials, the feel of them, and the vibrant colours that have always drawn me to the textile crafts. Weaving was introduced to me by my grandmother. I remember standing next to her floor loom as a little girl, watching her weaving the stripes to the rugrags that still cover the floors of our country house.
I started weaving my own stripes some 20years later and although many more years have flown by, I still find endless joy in weaving. It`s a continous creative process that doesn`t stop surprising me. The stripes haven`t gone anywhere, but alongside them have emerged more complex patterns, exciting colours and materials, new techniques and the focus on sustainability. I do prefer to use second hand and stock materials for my work.
Most of my products are unique as I love to evolve and be inspired. At the moment I`m doing a lot of experiments with handpainted warps. It seems to bring yet another dimension to the weaving process.
All these years I`ve woven for me, for my family and friends. And now finally also for you.
If you have any questions, please don´t hesitate to contact me. I`d love to hear from you.
❤ Karoliina
2007 - 2017 Helsingin työväenopisto - kudonta
2017 - 2019 Ammattiopisto Tavastia "Wetterhoff" - kudonnan artesaani
Opinnot sisälsivät ihanat työharjoittelut:
- The London Loom - Lontoo
- Ruukin kutomo - Mathildedal
- Hilmala - Helsinki
2019 - Ammattiopisto Tavastia - käsityöntekijän ammattitutkinto
2021 - Pro Artisaani ry - jäsen